Users of Material-UI include a lot of companies you have definitely heard of, including NASA, Netflix, and Amazon. With a little bit of work, it can also be used to create … grommet is a react-based framework that provides ... powerful theming tools. Using the Fluent UI code snippet above generates the following component: React Virtualized is one of those React component libraries that is hyper focused on doing one thing and doing that one thing really well, and that thing is large datasets. Chat with us on Slack. Material UI. Tools for developing, documenting, and testing React component libraries. If you like Google’s aesthetic — think cards, grid-based layouts, and responsive animations — this is the right library for your frontend. a collection of reusable components that can be downloaded independently into your projects with NPM. Here are some popular React libraries turned into Bit collections  (do the same for your own lib). Material UI is a set of components created by Google, that implements their famous … I'm leaning towards Styleguidist now because of it's very simple setup and markdown approach to documenting components. Rebass has many components that we can use for designing and developing any components. The only React component library you need. Gatsby.js. Also, the list of notable users is quite extraordinary, including companies like Uber, Netflix, Boeing, Shopify, Twilio, and even GitHub. “Storybook is a powerful frontend workshop environment tool that allows teams to design, build, and organize UI components (and even full screens!) React Aria is a collection of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives for use in your own design system. You can build quickly without having to worry about application-specific dependencies. Note that is a special Grommet library component that will help with the accessibility features. It's basically view oriented and not a heavy VM framework. And no matter how great the functionality, if it looks terrible, your team won’t use it. If you're building a component library for the web from scratch with your own styling, start here. Semantic UI is used by Netflix and Amazon, and it's React integration which includes a set of components is popular with over 5k stars. Redux? Reusability through React components also makes it easier to develop and test your app, and makes maintenance simpler by separating concerns. At over 45k Stars (!) The Components tab shows you the root React components that were rendered on the page, as well as the subcomponents that they ended up rendering. Bit is the world’s leading platform for front-end components. Below is a code snippet (courtesy of the Fluent UI docs) of how you would import and use the PrimaryButton component from Fluent UI in a React app. What solutions are there? Meaningful — every design is made with the purpose of helping the user accomplish their mission. React-vis is a library that offers an extensive collection of charts for React apps. without getting tripped up over business logic and plumbing.” Carbon is IBM’s open source design system for products and digital experiences. Below is a code snippet (courtesy of the Material-UI docs) of how you would import and use a Button component from Material-UI in a React app. Buy Now Start Free Trial … You will get two new tabs in your Edge DevTools: "⚛️ Components" and "⚛️ Profiler". Its components work similarly to plain React components we are used to. A screenshot of some popular components in the library, A link to the library’s GitHub along with the current (at the time of writing) number of stars, The number of React components included in the library, Most libraries have a number of components that include Buttons, Iconography, Typography, Layout, Navigation, Data Entry, Data Display, and Feedback/Alerts, A code snippet showing how to use the library in a React app. React components with Bootstrap 4 which favor composition and control. React components that implement Google’s Material Design. Awesome React An open source collection of awesome tools, libraries and other things related to React's ecosystem. It even has optional support for Typescript (if you’re one of those pe… To help you build your next React application with a great UI, here are some popular and useful resource for working with React components in 2018. React.js provides a low barrier to entry for any developer with decent Javascript skills. You can take a tour through our documentation website and try the components live! Developers coming from other programming languages or frameworks often have a hard time figuring out all the building blocks for building web applications with React. Scope is fairly narrow: there are five components in the React Visualized library, Collection, Grid, List, Masonry, and Table. NativeBase is an open source framework to build React Native apps over a single JavaScript codebase for Android and iOS NativeBase | Essential cross-platform UI components for React Native Announcing BuilderX, the Design Tool for React & React Native! You can also check out the project's documentation, A super-fast static site generator for React. Senior Frontend Engineer Kathryn Grayson Nanz joins the React Round Up team to talk about all things component libraries. NativeBase is one such tool that offers a local ecosystem to create native applications. At over 8k stars it's a collection of React UI components that cover the majority of the common interface elements, patterns, and interactions on the web. They’re generally optimized for efficiency, responsive, based on strategic design principles, and some are even optimized for mobile. What i need is something like action,store ... mechanism (flow pattern) to avoid race condition with components all acting on a same variable in a React component library distributed as npm package. Material-UI is a React component library based on Material Design, Google’s design language for user interfaces. React Testing Library is a set of helpers that let you test React components without relying on their implementation details. Used both Storybook and React Styleguidist both with good results for component library documentation. Material-UI is a React component library based on Material Design, Google’s design language for user interfaces. React components provide greater modularity which is great for code sharing, reuse, maintenance, testability and separation of concerns. Finally, after running the code in the snippet above to import and use Grommet and Heading, you’d end up with following: If you’re building internal tools – admin panels, dashboards, CRMs, you name it – chances are you’re thinking about how to build a table component to display, edit, and manipulate data. Get Started. The Data Tools Package is part of KendoReact, a professionally built commercial UI library. Below is a code sample (courtesy of the Ant Design docs) of how you would import and use Button and DatePicker components from Ant Design in a React app. And here you can explore thousands of React components to build your apps! Fix regressions in React core library and React Dom. Material-UI. A neat selection of essential components organized by usage classifications which are all accessible, cross-browser compatible and support theme adjustments. Share feedback on GitHub. Star. They also help you split your UI into independent, reusable pieces and think of them in isolation. If you like Google’s aesthetic — think cards, grid-based layouts, and responsive animations — this is the right library for your frontend. , it’s … Growing — designs will evolve over time to better meet the needs of the user. The fastest way to share and manage React components across apps and team members to build faster, An interactive UI development environment, React components that implement Google's Material Design, The project is still under heavy development which is directly sponsored by the community. Bit is the fastest and simplest way to share React components, create beautiful galleries reuse components between apps. Speaking of Github: Below is a code snippet (courtesy of the HPE Developer blog) of how you would import and use Grommet and Heading components from Grommet in a React app. Developed by a team at Google these components replaced React MDL reaching nearly 7k stars on GitHub. To kick off this list, we’re starting with Ant Design, the most popular React component library on GitHub. Natural — users should be able to easily intuit how to interact with the design. Gatsby is a powerful and simple static site generator for React. Jest provides a great iteration speed combined with powerful features like mocking modules and timersso you can have more control over how the code executes. Atlassian's UI library built according to their design guide lines (ADG). The project is still under heavy development which is directly sponsored by the community. With Gatsby.js, you’ll be able to build static websites using React. With over 30k stars on GitHub, it is probably the most popular React component library. create-component-lib 1 Create React App is easily the best tool for creating and developing React applications. … With Bit, you can easily share components from any React applications, organize them for your team and use them in other applications. React Is - Fix lazy and memo types considered elements instead of components 16.13.0 26 February 2020 Features added in React Concurrent mode. With but a very simple npminstallation, you can obtain a very powerful tool. This example uses remarkable , an external Markdown library, to convert the